Kickstart your next Boostrap 3 project with Yeoman, Grunt and Bower

Bootstrap is "the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web".

In this post, we'll install Yeoman, Grunt and Bower so that we can kickstart our next Bootstrap 3 project.


  • Xcode Command Line Tools
  • Homebrew (the missing package manager for OSX)
  • Node.js

Install the Xcode Command Line Tools

To install the Xcode Command Line Tools in OSX Mavericks, enter the following command:

sudo xcode-select --install

To check that they have been installed, enter the following command::

sudo xcode-select -p

If you see:


Then you're good to go.

Install Homebrew

To install Homebrew in OSX Mavericks, enter the following command:

ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Then, update your PATH:

echo 'export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH' >> ~/.bash_profile

And, load the changes into your current shell:

source ~/.bash_profile

Check your environment:

brew doctor

Then, check for updates:

brew update

Install Node.js

To install Node, enter the following command:

brew install node

Note: npm (the Node Package Manager) will be installed with Node.

Install Yeoman, Grunt and Bower

Now that we have setup our environment, the next thing we are going to do is use the Node Package Manager to install Yeoman, Grunt and Bower:

npm install -g yo grunt-cli bower

Now, we can install the WebApp generator:

npm install -g generator-webapp

And, then use it to create a scaffold for our new Bootstrap project:

mkdir myNewBootstrapProject
cd myNewBootstrapProject
yo webapp

Out of the box, the scafold will include HTML5 Boilerplate, jQuery, and a Gruntfile.js to build your app. We also also want to include Bootstrap so use the spacebar to select it, then press the Enter key.

Yeoman will then run bower install and npm install (for you) in order to install the required dependencies:

Now, that Yeoman's job is complete we'll use Grunt to launch the newly scaffolded application:

grunt server

Grunt will start the Express server and open the application in your default browser: