How To: Build Alfresco using Subclipse and MVN on OSX Mavericks

In a previous post, I wrote about setting up an Alfresco development environment.

In this post, we'll use Subclipse to checkout the Community Edition of Alfresco (version 5.0.a) and build it using Maven.

Checkout the Alfresco source code using Subclipse

Launch Eclipse, then go to File -> New -> Project:

Choose 'Checkout Projects from SVN', then click Next:

Check 'Create a new repository location', then click Next:

Select the folder (e.g., V5.0.a) to be checked out from SVN, then click Next:

Chose 'Check out as a project in the workspace', then click Select:

And, chose the most recent revision (e.g., 75151), click OK, then click Finish:

When the checkout is complete, you will be able to view the project in Eclipse's Project Explorer:

Build Alfresco using Maven

Go to Run -> Run Configurations:

Create a new run configuration, set the Base directory (e.g., /V5.0.a/root) and Goals (e.g., clean install) then click Run:

Take a look at the Console when the build is complete.
